Although painting might seem like an easy task, it is not. In order to paint properly, it takes determination, patience, skill, and creativity working in the right direction. Additionally, painting is something that you can learn and that will help you transform your creative imagination onto the canvas and colors in the right way. The excitement people feel when they look at their newly finished painting can compare to the excitement some sports fans get when they use betway bonus codes. Many art schools exist around the world, but there are also websites that follow no geography and you can learn to paint online with their help. A few examples are:


Coursera is the place for you if you want to filter out the choices in your online learning courses and are picky about them. There are a few courses listed on the website, but each one has thousands of students enrolled, and they have high popularity because they offer perfection and high standards. With the painting courses offered on Coursera, you can advance from a beginner level to an advanced level very quickly and acquire the skills needed to paint well.


Thousands of YouTube tutorial videos promise you will become the next Picasso, but ultimately all you end up with is paint all over your hands and a sloppily painted piece of paper. So, in order to keep away from such a mess while learning how to draw and paint, this website becomes the ultimate option for you to use out there. With Lynda, you can find courses in practically every subject area, and they’ve never stood back when it comes to drawing courses. Hence, it is the main reason for adding multiple painting and drawing lessons on their websites. 

In special courses for drawing, students can learn how to make the right strokes and where to draw in depth. 


There are artists who believe that creativity is indeed a god-given talent, and that there is no course in the world that can make you creative. With the right training and skills, however, you can enhance your creativity so that it can create some art marvels. A website that prizes affordability and diversity is Skill Share. A single subscription allows you access to thousands of courses online, and you can get access to any course in any niche that you choose. The website displays over 5K courses on the topic of painting. 


Though its name implies traditional academic studies, it was originally designed as an online educational resource to assist students with their studies. Due to the advancement of technology, the website has reached highly popular levels, and you can find a wide variety of online courses on the website. In addition to offering many exciting features, the website offers you the ability to enroll in online courses, complete study plans, and earn your micro degree from various institutions listed on the site, but that is not all. There is a lot more stuff to explore on this website.

Posted in ART